Blepharitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the eyelids caused by an overgrowth of normal bacteria living along the lid and the base of the eyelashes. Anyone can get blepharitis at any age but the prevalence increases with age, since as grow older, we make fewer natural antibodies in our tears.
This overgrowth of bacteria produces a biofilm that traps scurf and debris along the eyelashes and harbours bacterial exotoxins along the lid margin. These exotoxins penetrate the eyelid tissue causing low-grade inflammation which adversely affects the tear glands, turning down tear production. Fewer tears containing fewer antibodies allow even more bacteria accumulate and a vicious cycle is established, leading to chronic irritation and dry eye.
Since the eyelids are difficult to clean, this overgrowth of bacteria, biofilm, scurf and debris can accumulate over many years, and the exotoxin-induced inflammation can cause significant damage to the eyelid and tear glands.
New treatment
By completely removing the exotoxin-laden biofilm along the lid margin, I can help you avoid the long-term inflammatory damage to your tear glands, preventing chronic dry eye syndrome.
There are several conditions which may affect the severity of blepharitis such as dry eye disease, allergies, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, age, contact lens wear, poor immune status, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogrens disease, and androgen deficiency.
If left untreated, blepharitis can lead directly or indirectly, to a number of eyelid diseases, such as:
Dry Eye Syndrome
- Due to inflammatory down regulation of tears glands in the eyelids, and swelling with subsequent occlusion of tear excretory ducts. Treated with numerous artificial tears, cyclosporine drops, punctal plugs, night-time moisture chamber googles, bedtime lubricating ointments
- Occlusion of Meibomian excretory ducts causing painful swelling of Meibomian gland with leakage of highly inflammatory oil components into surrounding tissue. Treated with hot compresses, lid scrubs, surgery
Cicatricial and Involutional Ectropion
- outward turning of the lower eyelid due to chronic lid inflammation and scarring down of the structural support tissue of the eyelid. Results in severe dry eye syndrome, corneal scarring and vision loss. Treated by artificial tears, ointments, hyaluronic acid injection and surgery. May necessitate a corneal transplant if scarring of the cornea becomes severe.
Cicatricial and Involutional Entropion
- inward turning of the lower eyelid due to chronic lid inflammation and scarring down of the structural support tissue of the eyelid. Results in chronic irritation of the eye, corneal ulceration and scarring, and vision loss. Treated by surgery. May necessitate a corneal transplant if scarring of the cornea becomes severe.
- an inward turning of the lashes so that they abrade the corneal surface causing irritation, tearing, poor vision and occasionally corneal scarring. Caused by acute and chronic inflammation of the lid margin which disrupts the normal intra-lid anatomy surrounding the lash follicles. Treatment is epilation of the lashes, either mechanical or using electrolysis.
Demodex folliculorum
is a species of face mite. Demodex folliculorum is one of the parasitic/commensal face mites that occur on people (other than Demodex brevis). Demodex derives from the Greek roots, demos- fat, and dex- worm. When large numbers of Demodex folliculorum are found on humans, the infestation is known as "demodicosis".
I can offer a course of three BlephEx™ treatment sessions over one month for a fixed price of £480 or £180 per session. Please note that most health insurance policies do not fund this type of treatment so payment in full is required.
The treatment includes microexfoliation of all eyelids by state of the art equipment to improve natural lubrication of your eye and significantly reduce dry eye symptoms.
For patients that have not been seen by an ophthalmologist recently, they may require a full medical review which will be an additional cost. Some lubrication and/or medication may be required.
For appointments call my practice manager, Tony, on 07899 753270 or email: